I’m an advocate of taking time every single day for the type of self-care that builds and supports your wellbeing. Whether you are working, looking for work, contemplating a career transition, or already in a new life situation (or any life situation), I care that you weave moments of positive uplift, rest, dance or exercise, satisfying focus, and downtime for creative brain breaks into your life because your resilience depends on it.
I’ve gotten pretty good at this and most of my days reflect my commitment to practicing what I know.
It’s been rare for me to take a vacation. Unplugging for more than one day has been a real challenge. I had excuses. I won’t bore you with the details here but think big project deadlines, little project deadlines, an active client list –responsibilities! That changed when I decided to go from rare (hardly ever happens) to a full-on RARE week complete with what I need – Rest, Abundance, Relaxation, and Exercise.
We booked one week in Palm Desert, CA.
Then, I set my away messages (perhaps you received one?) and I didn’t look at my emails for an entire week!
I swam
I ate
I exercised
I read
I visited
I slept
I saw my son Alex
There was an occasional outing. Very occasional.
It was truly nourishing. I let go. No FOMO. I had that feeling we all have when we finally get unstuck … freedom!
What’s one thing that you won’t do for yourself? Are there excuses? Do they hold up? Really? What do you need to let go of to do it? How are you doing with your self-care, daily or RARE?
Judy Garfinkel helps you clarify "what's next." Her expertise in building confidence and resilience supports personal growth and the ability to navigate career and work transitions – especially now! She crafts bespoke resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and bios that open doors for her clients and land jobs. Judy is Immediate Past President of the International Coaching Federation - Connecticut Chapter, where she led 250+ member coaches. You can reach her at judy@moveintochange.com