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            You’re stuck inside.  It’s only 10 AM, your child is begging for more cartoons                  and candy. Or, your older child has just woken up and wants to play video                      games all day. You want this day to be more than managing the time                              without losing your mind. Sunny Ideas For A Rainy Day are a series of                        eBooks that offer dozens of creative activities I’ve designed and collected                        over the years that don’t cost a lot of money or make a huge mess. 


Inside, there are explorations for ages 2 to 14: what to do, how to do it and why (with just a smidge of advice too). There are suggestions for how to alter and add on to the activities and, a key for how much time, how much mess and amount of supervision. In other words, they’re full of meaningful learning — intellectual, emotional and physical.

So now you can use the time "stuck" inside to connect, grow, and learn, together. Rain or shine.


A gift from me to you. 




Click here for Volume 1

Click here for Volume 2

Click here for Volume 3

Click here for Volume 4





FREE! Easily Downloadable eBooks

"Judy - These activities are great! My wife and I are using them

with our grandson, age 8 -THANKS!"  —Victor R. 

Obvious Fun • Hidden Learning


Free For Parents
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